Saturday, May 25, 2013

Graphic design 1.Installation art.

Lecturer explain to us about the installation art. What we understand about the topic we must sketch 
and we collect the material like we self  and explain the material.

This sketch is my material. Pencil,bottle,camera, and sharpen
 and I want to change the material, I choose paddy why I change because 
I think the material pencil,bottle,camera and sharpen is don't have the connection
to show about my self so I change the material paddy because the paddy show my self 
and the paddy is durable and strong.

This is sketch my body. My material is paddy.

Concept is Reenact: : Crime Scene. 'sketch the outline at the floor'. 
I Sketch the outline I use the chalk.
My Subject matter is paddy.
Issue is how I feel if I have the assignment,angry or nice,
happy and sad,fall in love,Lazy and Hardworking.

Material " Paddy " Why I Choose the paddy because the paddy is durable,strong and
have the meaning about my self, meaning is "Like character of paddy the bigger it gets, the lower it bends.
The more knowledge we have the more humble we should.

Example Sketch outline

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