Monday, April 21, 2014

Task 5: component 2 : Research project

Documentary of T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Research report :

History of T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Tai Chi is a gentle exercise that originated in ancient china. It has been proven to increase flexibility, muscular strength and fitness. It is the most prominent internal style of Chinese martial art. Tai Chi offers many advantages including, promoting overall health and mental well-being, increased energy and strength, improved concentration, provides relaxation, reduces stress, improved breathing, increased circulation, enhanced immune function, improved balance and stability, improved flexibility and mobility, increased coordination ,facilitates healing from injury, improved recovery, provides pain relief, balances mind - body communication, improved body system function. Sun Style method of Tai Chi is presently known as one of the most effective exercises for physical and mental well-being. Sun Style contains powerful Qi Gong based exercises that are especially effective for healing, breathing and relaxation. Qi Gong is the powerful core of any form of Tai Chi exercise. Designed to move the Qi life force energy throughout the body through the body systems, chakras and meridians
                                                                                                            (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

Tai Chi consists of fluid, gentle, graceful and circular movements that are relaxed and slow in tempo. Breathing is deepened and slowed, aiding visual and mental concentration. Tai Chi exercise allows the body to relax, enabling the Qi internal energy to flow through the body. These techniques help to integrate mind and body into a harmonized inner and outer self. Medical studies of Tai Chi method have shown, increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved cardio-respiratory fitness, improved cardio-vascular function, strengthens heart and stamina, mood up-lifting, reduced anxiety, depression, effective fitness exercise, improved fitness level. Tai Chi has powerful effect of mind over body for improved health and well-being.

                                                                                                           (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)
T'ai-chi ch'uan also spelled taijiquan and taiji chuan is an ancient Chinese martial art that comes in so many variations that it's often confusing to the layman.  Some styles can trace their lineage back to the founding of the art, while others date back to the early part of the 20th century.  Some stress competition, while others emphasize health or self-defence.  Obviously, without the proper information, choosing the one that is best for you can be a daunting task.  This article will present an overview of the major styles of tai chi, and after reading it you'll be able to understand how one style begot another.  And you'll be able to more easily choose one that is right for you. Addition, Before examining the many styles of the art T'ai chi Ch'uan, it's wise to heed the advice of t'ai chi ch'uan Grandmaster, insists that all are valid and beneficial to the student as long as the basic t'ai chi concepts are adhered to even though many teachers proclaim that theirs is the only correct method. The Art of T'ai-chi ch'uan is usually literally translated as "grand ultimate boxing". 

                                                                                                           (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

The meaning, instead of being an immodest title, the "grand ultimate" portion of the name refers to the Chinese concept of the origin of the universe.  That is the principle T'ai chi Ch'uan. T'ai-chi ch'uan being the art of the harmony history of T'ai chi at the best.  There are many conflicting stories from the past, and the confusion continues right up to the present.  To make matters worse, there are many revisionist versions of t'ai chi's history which are expounded by those out to promote their own style as the best, or the most authentic. Besides, T'ai chi Ch'uan also deemed as a defence art, and the art of body health by age limits. Tells the story of defence art T'ai chi Ch'uan, in the old days during the world war in China, T'ai chi Ch'uan is very important for them as to learn more about the art of tai ci they will feel safe and protected childhoods as well as their families, can protect them from invaders, there are some defence of T'ai chi Ch'uan movement. 

                                                                                                            (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)
Real Tai Chi Self Defence There is no soft way to fight someone or to defend yourself. No possible way to defend yourself and not harm the opponent, however, how many times you hear that Tai Chi self-defence is the soft martial art that can be used to gently put someone down. Tai Chi self-defence is deadly, it is dirty and it is one of the best self defence systems known. Only when it is taught as it was originally intended though, as a hands-on, energetic fighting system where anything goes in order to survive in a realistic street attack. The types of defence T'ai chi Ch'uan is Never step backwards, Never fight the peripheral-attacking weapon, fight the whole body, Never meet force on force, always move at a slight angle to the attacker as you move in, Never meet force on force, Never look at the attacking portion and Never use a lock or hold as your main fighting method.

                                                                                                               (Erle Montagiue, 1997)

Tells about the health of T'ai Chi Ch'uan there are appropriate to older people who have reached the age of 50 until 80 years old, because the movement of T'ai Chi Ch'uan for over life can ease the body carry the blood and prevent back pain. Moreover, T'ai chi Ch'uan can also prevent deadly diseases that cause death as stroke, cancer and Old man's disease.

                                                                                                            (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

In addition, there is also movement in Ta'i Chi Ch'uan is a technique solace themselves, this technique is used by everyone who studies T'ai chi Ch'uan knowledge when they start facing life stress or tension by an object. This technique can to do on a daily basis in the evening after a day of life after work.

                                                                                                           (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

 The relaxation responses bringing you in nervous system back into balance. Stress is necessary for life. You need stress for creativity, learning, and your very survival. Stress is only harmful when it becomes overwhelming and interrupts the healthy state of equilibrium that your nervous system needs to remain in balance. Unfortunately, overwhelming stress has become an increasingly common characteristic of contemporary life. When stressors throw your nervous system out of balance, relaxation techniques can bring it back into a balanced state by producing the relaxation response, a state of deep calmness that is the polar opposite of the stress response.

                                                                                                           (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

When stress overwhelms your nervous system your body is flooded with chemicals that prepare you for "fight or flight." While the stress response can be lifesaving in emergency situations where you need to act quickly, it wears your body down when constantly activated by the stresses of everyday life. The relaxation response puts the brakes on this heightened state of readiness and brings your body and mind back into a state of equilibrium.

                                                                                                            (Heartland Tai Chi, 2009)

In T'ai chi Ch'uan, we must know the direction we want to head in, and then focus on the process not the result. Practicing the right process will take you to where you want to go. Even knowing and preaching the T'ai chi Ch'uan classics will not amount to anything, if you don't practice it.

                                                                                                                     (Wee kee-Jin, 2011)

The movement classics body has to be upright as if the head is suspended from above the hips have to be relaxed and seated into their sockets the chest should be hollowed shoulders relaxed and elbows dropped. These requirements combined create the T'ai chi Ch'uan structure. However if all the attention in placed on the structure without having an awareness of the processes and details in the movements, the structure will be empty and without substance.
                                                                                                                    (Wee kee-Jin, 2011)

Substance to develop substance we must learn the sequence of how the body moves in the T'ai chi Ch'uan way. Any raising or lowering always having always originated from the feet before passing through the ankles, knees, hips body torso, to the shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms and then fingers. All turning is motivated by the hips turning the waist, body trunk, arms then hands. Both the opening and closing, stem from the centre. Expanding outwards from the centre produces the opening and contracting inwards from the centre produces the closing. Similar to how an umbrella is opened and closed, a balloon inflates from air being blown into the centre expanding it outward, and deflates when the air is allowed to escape from the centre.  Most taiji practitioners sequence their leg movement’s feet, ankles, knees then hips, and arms shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms then fingers, but neglect the changes through the body trunk. The legs and arms may be co-ordinated, but are unconnected and therefore moving independently. The classics state that when one part of the body moves every part of the body moves, when one part changes every part changes along with it, and when one part arrives every part arrives together. Therefore every movement originating in the legs must ripple through the body to produce the movement in the arms. This releasing of the body trunk is produced by mind awareness visualising a melting sensation as it travels through the body muscles. Only then will the movements of the legs be connected to the arms and the whole body change as one.
                                                                                                                    (Wee kee-Jin, 2011)

Synchronization Once the sequence of movement is established and connected, the sequence should be timed to synchronize the whole body. If we divide the body into three groups of parts base from the feet, ankles, knees to the hips body trunk  abdomen, chest, spine and shoulder blades and arms shoulders, elbows, wrists to the hands and fingers, the changes must be timed to be in relation with each other. So if the base has released 10%, the body trunk should have released by 10% and the arms also 10%. 10% in the base but only 5% in the body trunk and 20% in the arms means that there is a disconnection between the base and body trunk, and you are holding yourself up, and the arms are collapsing into the body.

                                                                                                                     (Wee kee-Jin, 2011)

Pushing-hands is not just being able to neutralise an incoming force, or being able to stick to your opponent and follow his or her changes. When we are neutralising and the opponent is still grounded he or she can still come in from another direction. When we are advancing although we may be sticking, he or she can still change if they are connected to their base. Both in neutralising and sticking we must take them out of alignment so that they become immediately disconnected. Without a base they will have to rely on you to keep their balance so that effectively you become their centre. Being able to disconnect a partner from their base and use a relaxed-force to uproot and throw them is a good level, but the ultimate is not to have to use any of your own force, rather absorbing the force of your partner and returning it to them. A public company operates and grows using the funds from shareholders not their own money.

                                                                                                                     (Wee kee-Jin, 2011)


Figure 1: Business Card of Tai Chi Chuan Association

The association of Tai Chi Chuan start has opened this group since year 2000 in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The slogan of this group is ‘health building and Sickness prevention’, the member group around 30 people. This society culture original came from Taiwan, this society more focus on Taoist tradition Taiji culture, eliminate blind spots and make up of modern science and civilization, to promote human spiritual, physical health, Martial Arts progress, career success and lifelong happiness.
The main teaching objectives for first, the development potential, increase intelligence Second, relieve the mind, in addition to grid troubles third, self-treatment regimen, health, healing for physical transformation, weak to strong Five changes temperament, beautify life six, Martial Arts, practical for the first. They have four main teachings outlines for first, the traditional Taoist Tai Chi in Chinese culture and spirit of the poor traceability. Second, the unity of knowledge, strength training method. Third, both Li-fa, committed victory. Fourth, simplify, Deep. Intangible Cultural Heritage, through the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention. In 2003, the pursuit continued respect for cultural diversity and human creativity, in 2006 to take effect.

Tai Chi practitioners of traditional content, its health movement thirteen type. Tai Chi thirty-seven traditional style. In traditional health prana reactive non qigong breathing help line prana. Tai Chi practical strength of traditional law. Patron power, through fresh, whole fresh, rooter. Tai Chi fifty-four style sword. Tai Chi sword, sword basic five elements water, fire, earth, metal, wood, five Jian Shi.


Qi is an energy force thought to flow through the body, tai chi is said to unblock and encourage the proper flow of qi. Qi is frequently translated as "natural energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of "qi" is "breath", "air", or "gas". Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana and cit in Hindu religion, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and Vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. 

Figure 2: Yin Yang Symbol
Yin and yang are opposing elements thought to make up the universe that need to be kept in harmony. Tai chi is said to promote this balance. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary instead of opposing forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the parts. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, for instance shadow cannot exist without light. Either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation.


Interview one of the participant T’ai Chi Ch’uan, which is Dr. Law Heng Neng, Dr. Law already learning Tai Chi Chuan since 30 years ago. The reason why he wants to join the T’ai chi Ch’uan because he went to Health, fitness,  health fitness is very important for older people and who always work in an office, this is because healthy which is the main aspect of them. Regular practice of T'ai Chi Ch’uan develops strength and flexibility of the joints, muscles, and ligaments.

T’ai Chi Ch’uan also enhances the performance of the cardiovascular system with a minimum of stress. It is classified as a low impact aerobic exercise, compared to walking. Because of the gentle nature of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, it is often used as a therapeutic exercise by people who are recovering from illness or injury or for those who are beginning an exercise program and who are out of shape. T’ai chi Ch’uan also good for daily exercise. Dr. Law said sometimes the movement of Tai Chi when the people look like very slow but actually is faster, when the people join this Tai Chi they will know how the actually feeling, for the learn of tai chi is not just for one or two years but need forever life because the knowledge about tai chi is very profound.

Heartland Tai Chi, 2009, Health [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 March 2014].


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

TASK 4 : Component 1 : Research Report


Visual culture has emerged as a constellation of various interests and numerous critical intersections in the visual and performing arts.  Because of its dynamic nature it constitutes less of discipline than a platform for exploring theoretical and creative collaborations between Film, Art History, Modern Thought, Museum Studies, Visual Anthropology, Scientific Imaging practices, new media, and computer engineering, reflects the interests of  participating in visual studies. Visual Culture is divided into two tracks, one designed to engage with critical thinking the history of art and film criticism, theories of the visual, philosophies of perception and new media and other concentrating on creativity and media production internationally acclaimed filmmakers and artist’s advice on filmmaking, and courses are taught in film production.

                                                                                               (University of Aberdeen, 2010)

Visual culture is concerned with visual events in which information, meaning or pleasure is sought by the consumer in an interface with visual technology. By visual technology, mean any form of apparatus designed either to be look at or enhance natural vision, from oil painting to television and internet.

                                                                                                                        (Mitchell, 1994)

The visual culture approach acknowledges the reality of living in a world of cross mediation. You’re culturally important obvious written content looks inside many varieties, and also visible written content and also requirements migrate through to a new. An Image often moves across social arenas from document images to advertisement to amateur video to news images of artworks. Each change in context produces a change in which means.
 (Jackson, 2012)

History about the Kuda Kepang
             (Kuda Kepang or jaran kepang) is a traditional art that are almost forgotten with young generation in this era. Kuda Kepang known with any names such as ‘jaran kepang’, lumping horse (kuda lumping), ‘jathilan’ and ‘ebeg’. According to the Jawa people, the meaning of “jaran” is horse while “kepang” is plait. It is called as “jaran kepang” because it performances using the plaited horse. 

    Picture 1: Kuda kepang

            The production of “kuda kepang” is using the plaited of bamboo. At the first time,”kuda kepang” made from of planted of ‘pandan’ leaves but in this era, “kuda kepang” is make from plywood board and cattle skin. It must be in black color and the feather is yellow color.

            In 1983, “kuda kepang” is started before Islamic development. “kuda kepang” performances is played if ritual adoration. It believe that “kuda kepang” be played for the relationship between the living people and the spirits of the dead people. Furthermore, they believed that the aims of “kuda kepang” are played it because to clean up the village from evil spirits disorders, diseases and disasters.                                                    
                                                                                                                        (By: Soedarsono)

            “Kuda kepang” is a one of the Jawa dance warriors on horseback. But now “kuda kepang” is famous at Johor because there has been a widespread dissemination at everywhere. Art of “kuda kepang” still the same until now because Jawa’s community very strong to maintain the art traditions of Jawa.

The costume for dancer of  “kuda kepang”.

            Costume is an important thing in “kuda kepang” performances. In their history about the “kuda kepang” in Malaysia especially in Johor, the art of “kuda kepang” was taken by the Jawa resident of art of “kuda kepang” in Indonesia when they remove to this country. Other than that, they also bring the traditional clothes of Jawa. Its clothes a basic costume for the performances of “kuda kepang”.

            The costume of dancer is using the traditional clothes from Jawa, Indonesia. It is complete with “ketopang” or “tanjak” and besides Fabric. Then, their pants for dancer must stitched by using the special besides fabric that called “batik jawa”. But in this era, the headdress that called “tengkolok” that used by the dancer is “tanjak jawa” or “tanjak Malay”.

Picture 2: costume for “kuda kepang” dancer

Picture 3: Ketopang Jawa (headdress Jawa)

Picture 4: The dancer that use “tanjak Melayu” (Malay headdress)

Musical instruments of  “kuda kepang”.

            The musical instrument is a one important for the “kuda kepang” performances. There is a types of the instruments of musical of ”kuda kepang” are “Angklung”, “Caklempong”, “Kenong”, “Gong”, Jawa drum and “Jidur”.

            Angklung is a made from the bamboo. Angklung are consisting of two or four tubes that are tied to the house or known as “ancak”. Melody angklung should harmonize within each other. Then, accompaniment Angklung should be harmonize using the tonic triad method like DO, MI and SO in mode major or minor. The process of angklung must be done with knock in the foot or blow. In “kuda kepang” performance always play around three or four angklung to play mode rhythm as a complete for another ensemble.

Picture 5: Angklung

            Caklempong is a one of the music instrument that use in performances of gamelan orchestra. This instrument also known as “keromong” it is meaning the smaller gongs. That have ten until twelve that already arrange in two lines and it put at every wood box. One of the line of the “caklempong” that have high key note and other than that have low key note. “Bonang” bowl made from iron and bronze, it is the mixed from copper and white tin. The iron and copper must be melted and put at the bowl shaped that made from the mixed clay and rice husk.

            “Caklempong” or “bonang” can play with use two wooden beaters wrapped with red fabric at the end. The fabric wraps will make the wooden beater softer and can to avoid the damage to the “caklempong”.

Pictures 6: Caklempong or bonang

“Kenong” is an idiophone instrument from Jawa, Indonesia. “Kenong” has one set similar with “gong” but it thinner and round than “gong”. Kenong must put at the top and tie at wood that made from the hardwood for make the best sound during tap the “kenong”. “Kenong” knocker consists instead of wood and rope wrapped around the upper portion of the timber. In addition, “kenong” must to play with knock method in one times likes song note. The function of the “kenong” is for out the sound that more soft other than “gong” sound. In the gamelan ensemble, “kenong” should include in one octave that have barrel have five note scales without semitones, has fixed pitch and western tempered pitch.

Pictures 7: Kenong

Jawa drum is an instrument that have wooden frame and covered on both surfaces with “belululang”. This drum is a “membraphone” tool that played percussion. This tool use in the “kuda kepang” performances. Jawa drum shaped oblong and three feet in length with the different surface. Both of the surfaces must be closed using the lamb skin and goat skin.  This drum have higher key note and also has lower key note.

    Pictures 8: Jawa drum

            Gong is the music tool that use in “kuda kepang” performance. This tool is a one of the ‘idiophone’ music instrument from South East Asia. It is made from bronze rather than spherical, curved edges downward, hollow inside and ‘cembul’ in the middle of the surface portion. The function of gong as the backbone of the ensemble sound of gamelan music performance. These tools consist of various sizes to produce different sounds each and played along to the rhythm of the song. Normally, one or two grumps were played simultaneously to vary rhythm of the music is more unique. Gongs are guaranteed high quality because of the way manufacturing is difficult and requires a relatively high cost. Local Gong have rims shallow and small boss. The melody produced is to signal the beginning and end of a song.

Pictures 9: Gong

            “Jidur” made from hollowed coconut trunk and the two surfaces are the same circumference measuring and must close with lamb skim or goat skin. “Jidur” shaped bins approximately 16 inches tall. “Jidur” used to “kuda kepang” and struck using two sticks to play it.

Pictures10: Jidur

Taboo predominate

            The meaning of taboo is restrictions or prohibition of doing things and if the restrictions or prohibitions are not followed will bring bad consequences. Malay society these are many taboos in ritual, daily activities and so as taboo in dance predominate. “Kuda kepang” dance has its own taboos to be observed so that no plague will happen.

             Taboos in the predominate dance can be seen from the various aspects of such taboos before starting the dance, the dancer taboo, taboo musical players, the taboo of taboos predominate and the audience. Taboos created to help ensure the uniqueness of the dance predominate maintained.

            These are the taboo predominate before started. It is because “kuda kepang” performance has belief there, “kuda kepang” has affected by the kind of spirit that require typical ritual before playing for disclaiming something undesirable happened to players or the audience. The ritual commenced with the worship of spirit by witches to provide grain for porters like coconut, rice, incense, white fabric, needle, thread, potpourri, and eggs. Then, the witches will spell to launch the opening of the arena.

            Players predominate, as do traditional medicine to give a hardener, but the hardener players predominate given to shaman to the performances. This meant hardener consists of several items incense, place burning embers incense, mixed rice with chicken and vegetable dishes, water kettle amp icons, some kind of cake and most importantly, the sum of     $2.25 delivered by the host or organizer to shaman show. The fee for each performance being held is not less than RM200.

            Players of “kuda kepang” cannot see the red cloth is one abstention to the players. Taboos players cannot see the red cloth is natural that a major taboo. Players were not allowed to “kuda kepang” visible even see the glass. In addition, “kuda kepang” should not be surprised during the game and do not think they have ‘climbed Sheik’ or not. It is thus his deep, shocking acts to play during the player “kuda kepang” will cause the state not guarded.

            Music plays an important role in the dance “kuda kepang”. This is so because, according to the evidence that players have a 'ride sheikh', when they have this condition they dreamed of riding a horse as he danced to the music.

            “Kuda kepang” used during the dance “kuda kepang” also has its own taboos. “Kuda kepang” used while dancing to be stored or placed in a specific place. This is so because if the horse is placed arbitrary and does not take good cares that will lead to the raging spirit “kuda kepang” with damage-show performances to come.

            Taboos dance of “kuda kepang” not only involve the player horses, horse braid and players of musical instruments but also involves the audience. Spectators are prohibited to abuse dancer “kuda kepang” for fear of receiving a misfortune.

How and function of dancer of “kuda kepang”.

            “Kuda kepang” presented and played out in the open like on the big stage. Before the dance begins, shaman will burn incense and recite incantations to give energy to the horses. He was using raw eggs, flowers, grass and water for the show be under a ‘danyang’ which whipped the sprint to determine the dance, and each dancer will get on their horses.

            When the music begins to resonate the dancers lead by ‘danyang’ to go into the ring. Music starts with a slow tempo and a bit boring. Each dancer will be riding horses according to patterns determined by the pace and rhythm of the song. When the music is fast, the horses will gallop even faster. Sometimes the organizers will cunning cloth for players pass. The dancer can do strange movements and outside normal as martial arts jumping as high as six feet, and so on. During a dancer in such circumstances, the sounds that accompany this dance will more increase. It is like if the music is not robust, the dancers would pounces or kick a music player like horse angry.

            The dancer danced for two hours until the circumstances trance, mesmerized by the grandeur of their movements. When drunk, they sometimes would dream of riding a horse truly as he danced to the music. As a result, they try to pursue music. The condition is called “rose sheikh”. If the wild and cannot be under increased, shaman will instruct the guards stationed at every corner of the ring to catch and knock them to the ground and shaman will read a spell to restore them.

Number of players “Kuda kepang”

            Then player needs at least 25 people at 9 dancers, 5 music player, and 2 acts as a ‘shaman restore’, 9–15 custodians of the area. However, in a society, the number of members was 40. One of the dancers act as leaders summoned ‘danyang’. Number predominate use is at least 9.

Horse function

            This game is just as common as “takraw”. But the response from the local population causing it ti grows from a village to another. In present times, this dance is usually demonstrated at the ritual gatherings to enliven the atmosphere while welcoming the dignitaries, celebrate the feast and the feast days.

            Kuda kepang does not too forgettable by the new generation in this era, because kuda kepang is tradition from our ancestor. 

University of Aberdeen, 2010, what is Visual culture. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2014]

Mitchell, 1994, what is Visual Culture. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 11 March 2014]

Soedarsono, 2009 History of Kuda Kepang. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 11 March 2014]