Wednesday, June 19, 2013


we make the brainstorm and choose what idea we want to do

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Graphic design 1 (explanation about installation art in group)

Lecturer explain to us about the installation art group,explain about schedule and explain the title of installation art. In installation art grouping we have taken our vote to determine our group members.

We will be working in a group to develop an installation art piece in a large scale. In this task, we need to contextualise we idea and talk to module leaders on the following: who the installation art dis made for ? what is the core message? Where is it located? Why it is created? how it is done?
Record and make evidences available for all your process, research. We are also required to design a logo for own group. prepare an individual name card for presentation purposes.

Graphic Design 1 (installation art process)

My process do the installation art have 9 steps, i do the process in 3 weeks.

1- Choose the place

2- take picture

3- Experiment the color use spray

4- coloring the paddy black and white use the poster color

5- Dry the paddy

6- Put the paddy in outline different color

7- take picture for show the diligent and lazy

8- Put the projector and switch on, show the picture

9- Complete the installation art

Friday, June 7, 2013


learn and present about environmental issue.

Working group. Find environmental issue.

Assignment :
Environmental issue ?

-What is environmental issue
-type of environmental issue (10 example)
-choose 5 type of environmental and explain about that

write in : 700 words
put on : Blog
deadline : 11/6/2013

            Many people now know about the slump of environmental.  The mass media often bring news of aspects of environmental degradation, and there are also individuals expressed about the environmental solution in the media. Among the things that need attention include pollution situation in big cities, traffic jams, haze, flash flooding, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, global warming, Thermal pollution, personal pollution and landslides. In addition, uncontrolled deforestation and extinction of many species of flora and fauna are also given attention. Development is very important for the progress of a country. But that development does not take into account or not balanced with the ability of the environment will definitely lead to the concept of continuous development cannot be realized. As a result not only of this generation only encounter problem but future generations will inherit the problems created at this time and there arose a variety of issues and problems of environmental quality is deteriorating and exacerbated. (Eyu Ghim Siang, 2011)
Type of pollution;
Air Pollution
Air pollution is defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of the air. This can be in the form of particulate matter such as dust or excessive gases like carbon dioxide or other vapors that cannot be effectively removed through natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle.  Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. Some of the most excessive sources include vehicle or manufacturing exhaust, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion and other natural sources. Building construction or demolition depending on the concentration of air pollutants, several effects can be noticed. Smog increases, higher rain acidity, crop depletion from inadequate oxygen, and higher rates of asthma. Many scientists believe that global warming is also related to increased air pollution. (Mellissa mayntz, 2006)
Global Warming
Global Warming is any increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface. This increase may be caused by natural occurrences within the earth’s atmosphere or by manmade influences. Global warming is caused by an increase in greenhouse gases occur naturally within the atmosphere at levels that are not detrimental to the environment. The earth does an outstanding job of balancing each of its processes in order to keep everything in check. However, when mankind’s efforts to improve life interfere, the balance interrupted. (Mellissa mayntz, 2006)

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution refers to undesirable levels of noises caused by the human activity that disrupt the standard of living in the affected area. Noise pollution can come from traffic jam, Airports, railroads, manufacturing plants, construction or demolition, concerts, Some noise pollution may be temporary while other sources are more permanent. Effects may include hearing loss, wildlife disturbances and a general degradation of lifestyle. (Mellissa mayntz, 2006)

Water pollution
Water pollution involves any contaminated water, whether from chemical, particulate, or bacterial matter that degrades the water’s quality and purity. Water pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, and as different water sources flow together the pollution can spread. Causes of water pollution include increased sediment from soil erosion, improper waste disposal and littering, leaching of soil pollution into water supplies, organic material decay in water supplies. The effects of water pollution include decreasing the quantity of drinkable water available, lowering water supplies for crop irrigation, and impacting fish and wildlife populations that require water of certain purity for survival. (Mellissa mayntz, 2006)

Thermal Pollution
Thermal pollution is excess heat that creates undesirable effects over long periods of time. The earth has a natural thermal cycle, but excessive temperature increases can be considered a rate type of pollution with long term effects. Many types of thermal pollution are confined to areas near their source, but multiple sources can have wider impacts over a greater geographic area. Thermal pollution may be caused by power plants, urban sprawl, Air pollution particulates that trap heat, deforestation, loss of temperature moderating water supplies. As temperatures increase, mild climatic changes may be observed, and wildlife populations may be unable to recover from swift changes. (Mellissa mayntz, 2006)

            Country already has many legal provisions concerning the environment which if enforced fully capable of dealing with environmental problems that arise now. But enforcement is still not fully able to run as many weaknesses and constraints that exist. In this regard, the government should take into account these factors and instead formulate and pass legislation that new environment. In addition, the private sector and the public should also play a greater role in easing the burden of the government and not expect the government alone to handle the environmental issues that arise. Solving environmental problems is not legal as through formal and informal education should be intensified and involved all levels of society to a planned development can be achieved effectively. (Eyu Ghim Siang, 2011)

Eyu Ghim Siang (2011) Environmental Issues. Available at: (Accessed: 11.6.2013).
Melissa Mayntz (2006) Environmental Issues. Available at: (Accessed: 11.6.2011)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



Figure 1: Michael Grecco, Michael Grecco Websites (2013)

Figure 2: Classical Portrait ‘Head Guitar Bass’ Michael Grecco Websites (2013)

Artist of Photography

Michael Grecco is one of the best known celebrity photographers in the world. His work beautiful, insightful work is all around us on movie posters, in advertising, on magazine covers, everywhere. Michael Grecco said “I delight in inspiring people. “I want them to stop, think, and feel”. Michael Grecco is like to shares the secrets of great photography with photographers at every level, in Lighting and the Dramatic Portrait. Sections on cameras, illumination, film and digital, creativity and conceptualization, connecting with the subject, and having a point of view, plus intriguing case studies that show how he got that picture and Michael Grecco also is an American commercial and fine art photographer. (Michael Grecco, 2013)
He studying filmmaking and photography at Boston University and Michael Grecco began working freelance for the Associated Press as a photojournalist. Whatever the picture he snap and sale will be satisfactory customer and people interesting with the picture of he and He have a good skill and have the commercial art, He like take the picture landscape and portrait. Sometimes if he take picture portrait he like snap in black, white and Sepia. (Michael Grecco, 2013)
Michael Grecco has born May 20 1958 and He age, 54. He lives in United States of America and his education, Boston University and his still life and still active doing his work. The difference between a dull portrait and a creative work of art that dramatically expresses a concept or emotion can be as small as moving a light, adjusting a camera angle, or turning the model's head a fraction of an inch.
Michael Grecco is a master of creative portraiture and more than 50 of his innovative images are reproduced, with full explanations of exactly what methods and equipment he used to get each specific shot. Most of the photos come with a diagram of the lighting and equipment used. Behind the scenes information on most of the shots is also provided including the pre-shoot brainstorming where the concept for the shot was born. (Michael Grecco, 2013)

    The artwork of artist Michael Grecco  is iconic,  portrait classical, Urban portrait, Urban landscape, the  body and I’m choose the artwork is portrait classical, Why I’m choose the portrait classical because interesting, beauty and unique and have the element of graphic design. Beauty and drama, Michael Grecco’s black and white images are powerful and iconic. His stunning use of light allows the famous and the infamous’ private personalities to emerge to create a collection of contemporary and timeless evocative images. You can’t help but to sink deeper into each image where there is always more to discover. Based on the artwork of Michael Grecco the classical portrait is picture fine art, Head guitar bass, about the artwork of fine art, head guitar bass is from the art perspective. (Michael Grecco, 2013)

Figure 2: Classical Portrait ‘Head Guitar Bass’ Michael Grecco Websites (2013)

 An element of graphic design from the artwork is texture on the head of the guitar and I like its interesting texture. The lines that is nice, beautiful and interesting and on the circumference. From the artwork shape which are beautiful, wide and unique. The balance color of the artwork is in white color addition with the color of black and sepia. As it shows that the picture looks more classic and beautiful. In every frame, He rides the line between beauty and drama. The artwork that he used is in manner of classical portrait. He took the picture from the part of the head of the guitar bass because that guitar implicates and shows the types of old style guitar the reason why he took that guitar because the guitar impressed and visualize the classic, unique and beauty characteristic in line with the beautiful artwork. (Michael Grecco. 2013)    

         In a nutshell, the artist Michael Grecco is a kind of professional photographer with outstanding skills and the way he snap the portrait link with my heart attraction which impressed unique characteristic that was what I’m looking for. This contributes to effectiveness of my assignment which I can take many points to add in my assignment. About his artwork, the classical portrait was very attractive and the content of the element design with colour of beauty and classical.

Michael Grecco(2013) Artist of Photography. Available at:
(Accessed: 30.5.2013)
Michael Grecco(2013) Artist of photography. Available at:
(Accessed: 31.5.2013)


Elements and Principles of Graphic Design

Marjorie Crum, 1998, said Graphic Design is the profession of a creative problem solver which been trained from their visual observation and revelations of creative ideas. Understanding of an audience from the message of designs will reveal and try to find the solution to give a good service to compete with the other Designer. In the combination of the Elements and Principle in Graphic Design, it is the indicator to impress the audience. The designer users imagery, Symbols, type, color  and material whatever it’s concrete. Printing on the page or somewhat intangible, like pixels on a computer screen or light in a video to represent the ideas that must be conveyed and to organize them into a united message. Graphic design performs this service. On behalf of a company or other organization to help that entity got its message out to its audience and, in so design, evoke a particular response.

The fundamental of graphic design is LINE. A point is a single spot on a page. A point can be typographic, like a period or punctuation mark, or it can be a graphic element, and it doesn't have to be circular in form. It can serve as a foundation or building block for a design. The natural tendency is to put a point in the center of the design, to become the focal point. Moving the point off-center, however, shifts the focus to wherever the point is. Lines are another design element that can be used to show direction where you want the eye to go and movement. Vertical lines give elegance and elongation to the page, while horizontal lines create a more relaxed feel; curved lines suggest an organic theme. Repetition of lines, or other elements, can be used to also create patterns.
(Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 1: Line & pattern “needle” The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

The second element in Graphic Design is SHAPE. Shape is exactly what it sounds like, circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles are all design building blocks. Repeating shapes or grouping them in an organized method works to create patterns. (Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 2: Shape, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

FORM is another design element that has to do with the appearance of depth. Form gives a three-dimensional perspective sometimes through drop shadows and tone while physically occupying space or giving the illusion of occupied space in a flat, two-dimensional surface. Form is the shape of text, images, and white space also called void on a page. By using graphic elements or white space the designer can lead a viewer around a page. Because we are so accustomed to getting information quickly, form can help a viewer see pertinent elements. (Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 3: Form. The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

            A fourth element in Graphic Design is TONE. When adding tone to a design, it’s like adding a sense of lightness and darkness. The most common way to do this is through gradients, where an area goes from light to dark or from darker to lighter colour. Using shadowing and patterns in a lighter tint can also add tone the overall goal is to add depth to a piece.  (Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 4: Tone & contrast “egg” ” The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

 Fifth elements in Graphic Design are TEXTURE, which officially is defined as the character of a surface. Texture on paper adds dimension, through repeated dots or lines, for example. Be careful when selecting textures; decide if you’re using a textured paper or adding it in the design. Using many different textures can be confusing and work against the overall design of a piece. (Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 5: Texture “tooth brush” ” The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

 A last element that may play role innovative is the certain design is COLOR. Any kind of color adds impact and interest to objects and design. Brighter colors make elements of a design seem larger, while cooler colors make them seem smaller. While there are thousands of shades of color  designers approach them in three major categories:
        i.            Primary colors; red, yellow, and blue,
      ii.            Secondary colors—green, purple, and orange and
    iii.            Tertiary colors—all the colors between the secondary colors on the color wheel.
(Marjorie Crum.1998)

Figure 6: Color. The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

The principle is FIGURE-GROUND the figure refers to the main focus within your design, and the ground is the area that surrounds the figure. Either one can be dominant, depending on where’s targeting focus for audience. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 7: Figure-Ground, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009) 

        The first principle is BALANCE elements in a design can either be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Large or small, all work in this principle. For example, when using a large object and small object together on the same page, the proximity to one another can be well-balanced or poorly balanced. By placing them close together, the balance is poor. If you allow more space between the objects the balance is more even. Asymmetrical elements are often used to create visual excitement, by calling attention to certain elements. Designs that are asymmetrical are generally divided into thirds, rather than halves. When using tone to create asymmetrical balance, use the rule of thirds for your composition. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 8: Balance, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

 The next principle is CONTRAST, which refers to the relationship between the elements of design. The more differences among the two elements, the greater the contrast, as in the case of size big versus little. Colors can provide contrast with complementary colors opposites on the color wheel providing the greatest contrast, and coordinating colors having the least contrast. In the next figure, the color yellow works better with the purple color because the contrast is greater than with the green color  The green text block is more difficult to read because the green and yellow are too similar in contrast. The chosen of color can make difference in readability. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 9: Contrast.  The complete idiot’s guide (2009)

The third principle was CROPPING. Although we most often hear the term cropping with respect to photography, it really refers to the process of selecting the elements of design we want the user to see. It’s generally used to zero in on the most important subject within an image. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 10: Cropping, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

Fourth of the principle is the principle of SCALE, you most often see scale used for exaggeration, such as in caricatures, where certain features of a politician, for example, might be disproportionate to his or her body. Scale refers to how large an object is in relation to other objects in the design, and is often used to inject humour, by making smaller objects oversized, for example. Scale can also be used to show intricate detail that is not easily seen at a 1:1 ratio, but is also a technique used in technical drawings that show an
“exploded” or enlarged section. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 11: Scale, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

Fifth principle is PATTERN. As it suggests, the principle of pattern deals with the repetition of elements, such as lines, points, or shapes, as you saw previously. If you add patterned paper, don’t forget to count that as well. Patterns, if over used, are not attractive and show the mark of an amateur. (Layton Turner.1998)

Figure 12: Pattern, The complete idiot’s guide. (2009)

Marjorie Crum and Layton Turner (1998) Graphic Design: Elements and Principles of Design. Available at: (Accessed: 30.5.2013).

Marjorie Crum and Layton Turner.(1998) Picture Elements and Principles of design. Available at: (Accessed: 30.5.2013). 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Photography 1 (Task 2 : speed and light)

Assignment brief : capture a series of photo with a theme and apply aperture and shutter speed studies.

My Comment : I get new knowledge from this assignment, like i learn about low shutter speed,
how to adjust the shutter speed.,aperture and good angle.

Final Outcome: Understanding and to master the techniques applies

Slow shutter speed

Aperture f/22
Shutter speed 1/4

Sunset (light)

Aperture f/22
Shutter speed 1/1600

Slow shutter speed
Aperture f/22
Shutter speed 1/3
ISO- 1600

Aperture f/11
Shutter Speed 5 sec
ISO 100

Aperture f/11
Shutter Speed 5 sec
ISO 100

Aperture f/9
Shutter Speed 3.2 sec
ISO 100

Aperture f/9
Shutter Speed 1/3 sec
ISO 100

Aperture f/22
Shutter Speed 2.5 sec
ISO 200

Aperture f/11
Shutter Speed 5 sec
ISO 100

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Photography 1 (Task 1 : shoot your thought)

Assignment brief : think of 10 words and capture a minimum of 50 images that signifies the 
word. it must also relate with the theme given.

My comment : I get the new knowledge about the lighting,angle,picture micro, portrait,nature,
and now I know how to use the light if in studio.

Final Outcome: Generating thinking skills

Modelling (Lighting)

aperture f/1.8 
Shutter speed 1/60 

aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/80

Flower (Balancing)

Aperture f/5 
Shutter speed 1/400 

Flower (Close up)

Aperture f/5
Shutter Speed 1/400

Kids Style

Aperture f/5.6
Shutter Speed 1/500 200

Aperture f/5.6
Shutter Speed 1/30

Poverty and Patience

Aperture f/3.5
Shutter speed 1/500

Aperture f/5.6
Shutter speed 1/125

Smoking (Life Style and Satisfaction)

Aperture f/4
Shutter speed 1/60

Aperture f/4
Shutter speed 1/60


Aperture f/1.8
Shutter Speed 1/160

Aperture f/6.3
Shutter speed 1/160

Happy (Specific)

Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/125

Aperture f/8
Shutter speed 1/60

Aperture f/8
Shutter speed 1/160


Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/400

Aperture f/3.5
Shutter speed 1/160

Aperture f/3.5
Shutter speed 1/160

Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/250

Shutter speed 1/160

The Focus Point

Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/160

Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/160

Aperture f/1.8
Shutter speed 1/100